
Me Grimlock No Kisser Me Wrecker

EHSparkwoman (25)

Me Grimlock No Kisser Me Wrecker

EHSparkwoman (25)

I picked Topspin as the body; since when Clobber is on him… he has both Bold 3 and Tough 3! Now that’s nice! And with Clobber’s stratagem… Topspin is a Dinobot and can be healed by his teamie; Sludge (who requires no introduction). Topspin doesn’t flip; he just sits in alt mode and (hopefully) absorbs all damage. Sludge keeps him healthy by flipping back and forth. And Topspin makes use of that Bold by using all of the Black pips to inflict guaranteed damage.

Deck Stats

Character Types

Dinobot, Melee, Spaceship, Specialist, Titan Master, Wrecker
Stars 27⭐ Team Health 30❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 0
Card Total 40