[Decks with Private Seawatch]
War for Cybertron Siege II
CT 22
Bot Mode
3⚔️ 8❤️️ 1️️🛡️
This has +1 and +1 for each Rescue Patrol in your KO area.
Alt Mode
3⚔️ 8❤️️ 0️️🛡️
This has Stealth while untapped. When one of your Rescue Patrols battle and you flip at least [W][W] Flip 3 more battle cards.
Seawatch Is A Sad Panda
Megatronisagun ( 23)
Rescue Zeroes
G1Scorponok ( 2)
Banned for A Reason
SpaceF91 ( 56)
Daring Elita
Harkonen187 ( 143)
Rescue 911
MECH ( 9)