
Wreck Me

IaconDispatch (4)

Wreck Me

IaconDispatch (4)

This deck was super fun to play! Lots of flipping to get Perceptor's ability flowing, and Whirl gets in some nice hits with extra damage across the field. You never need to flip anyone except for Perceptor, so those Showing Off cards are amazingly helpful. Could work amazingly well with Daring Escape to get an instant win, if played right. Still tweaking it, but went 2-for-2 in DECISIVE victories. Great potential here!

Deck Stats

Character Types

Helicopter, Melee, Off-Road Patrol, Ranged, Specialist, Titan Master, Truck, Wrecker
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 34❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 0
Card Total 40