
Thats My Lullaby

EHSparkwoman (25)

Thats My Lullaby

EHSparkwoman (25)

This deck is… very toolboxy. Without having a Toolbox in it, of course. With the way the Stratagem works; I had to turn my own thinking about with him (since I built him in such a way that the Crowns didn’t ever get put on him or anyone else). As it works; the Crown is an Energy Pack that lets him Plan 1 when he (or any other Decepticon) attacks; and that’s awesome! I built him mixed with Nightracer and Flamewar granting Tough and Bold as needed.

Deck Stats

Character Types

Car, Leader, Motorcycle, Plane, Ranged, Specialist
Stars 27⭐ Team Health 36❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 0
Card Total 40