
Soundblasting Off

cehteshami (49)

Soundblasting Off

cehteshami (49)

Video about the decklist for reference:


I've been playing around with [[Sergeant Soundblaster Weapons Arms Dealer]] since wave 4 trying to make him work in different ways. With all of the black weapons available now that Wave 5 is out, as well as the new 5 star bots and titanmasters, I've found a very fun decklist to enjoy with friends. It's an aggro build as expected, the magic touch with Soundblaster being that if you play [[Industrial-Grade Phase Charge]] on him, you can attack scrapping the card to get +3 attack and then using his bot mode ability to pull it back to swing with +3, meaning that Soundblaster effectively has 11 attack before flips. That is a wild attack before accounting for additional upgrades like [[Mounted Missiles]]or [[Escape Capsule]] and flips. And with Soundblaster's abilities you'll be getting the Phase Charge on him sooner than you'd expect for just a black pip card. To help get your Phase Chages in hand faster we have [[Wedge Formation]], [[Pocket Processor]], and [[Mission Briefing]]. With the way your team lineup sits, there may be turns where you end up getting draw 3 our of Mission briefing. In case you don't get the Phase Charge play, we have plenty of other black weapons that are +3's to still have you swinging 9 most turns and being able to be passed on to Soundblaster's buddies if needed, although I tend to save flips for Horri-bull!

Speaking of the rest of the team, let's discuss our supporting patners. [[Horri-Bull Ground Trooper]] Is a Titanmaster, allowing you to play a little wider than you would be otherwise, and of course givine you great synergy to clean up kills via direct damage cards like [[Camien Crash]] and [[Magnetic Dysfunction Ray]] combined with all of the Black pips available to make sure that whatever Soundblaster hits will be very dead. In addition to that, if you can get one of your 2 secret actions down along with Spymaster's Ruse you can enjoy a nice bold 1 via Nightracer, although that's not the goal of the decklits, just a bonus.

Speaking of Secret Actions, through testing the list has found that you want to run atleast one [[Counterespionage]] in main, maybe even 2. There are important turns when the right SA can ruin your day. And being able to nullify it is a beautiful thing. Are you getting a big swing with Soundblaster? Make sure Hold the Line or Sabotage Armaments isn't there to ruin your day. Going to a pierce heavy swing on a support character? Call out [[Stable Cover]]. You can also call out [[End Hostilities]] If you want but in my personal play I haven't really gotten that much bang for buck with it.

But that's the list, pretty straightforward fun aggro build that I love shows off Soundblaster's ability to play with the attack trigger effects, hope you enjoy!

Deck Stats

Character Types

Beast, Car, Melee, Ranged, Spaceship, Specialist, Titan Master
Stars 27⭐ Team Health 40❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 0
Card Total 40