

Jimza (14)


Jimza (14)

An extremely powerful and versatile deck. Soften them up by piercing them with Ravage, do massive heals with Ratbat (planning with Wedge Formation or Underhanded Tactics for 3 healing all around!). Once the cassettes are gone, usually you end up with a pumped up Shockwave who'se capabale of swinging for 15+ damage. This is where you can also whittle down their hand by flipping Shockwave and using LV Gamma Disruptors and Security Checkpoints.

Near the end you should be toying with a weak/defenseless/handless opponent, who'se hoping for a lucky topdeck draw!

Note: When going up against extreme heavy bold/orange decks, try switching out Ratbat for Flamewar to combine with Ravage's protection to help protect Shockwave even more.

Most fun deck I've played by far!

Deck Stats

Character Types

Leader, Melee, Mini-Cassette, Ranged, Spaceship, Specialist, Spy Patrol
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 36❤
Main Deck 45 Sideboard 1
Card Total 46