
One Eyed Purple Logic Eaters

EHSparkwoman (25)

One Eyed Purple Logic Eaters

EHSparkwoman (25)

Full Deck Name: One Eyed Two Horned Flying Purple Logic Eaters

This deck is part of a series of decks I call Turnabout Deckbuilding; where I choose a character card that has shone in the meta and build a deck for it that is different to the meta build. And both of them can equip the LV Gamma Disruptor Launcher to trigger Shockwave’s effect. There are also plenty of Secret Actions and Decepticon cards for Major Shockwave to play off the top of the deck. You’d flip Shockwave first; then Major Shockwave, then Major Shockwave flips back and forward as needed; since his flip to alt also triggers Shockwave’s effect.

Deck Stats

Character Types

Leader, Spaceship, Specialist
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 28❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 0
Card Total 40