Armor (4) | |
3 Bumpers Bumpers |
1 Electro-Optical Visor Electro-Optical Visor |
Utility (3) | |
3 Spare Parts Spare Parts |
Weapon (13) | |
3 Laser Cutlass Laser Cutlass |
3 Master Sword Master Sword |
3 Scoundrel's Blaster Scoundrel's Blaster |
3 Handheld Blaster Handheld Blaster |
1 Noble's Blaster Noble's Blaster |
Energon Mace
Energon Mace
Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher
Hold the Line
Hold the Line
Secret Action
Leap Into Battle
Leap Into Battle
Thrust - Supersonic Interceptor
Thrust - Supersoni...
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Universal Network Access
Universal Network ...
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This deck relies on Shockwave's abilities not as a means to decimate the opponent's hand, but as a springboard to guarantee Beachcomber's card-drawing ability. As long as Comber's still out there, drawing three cards every two turns is very strong. The gameplan for the deck is straightforward: flip Beachcomber inisistently, protect all 3 characters as long as possible with secret actions, and build them up as offensive threats with permanent weapons. If they endure, you can play the numbers game. Master Swords and Spare Parts are there to help against Sabotage Armaments.
Thematically: Jedi Master Shockwave has a lightsaber (Master Sword), the ability to deflect (Backfire), and a chance to sense what's coming (Electro-optical Visor). And if and when Beachcomber's gone, Shockwave's bot-mode ability is a lot of fun, at least in theory.
Thrust is a sideboard idea to deal with dreaded one-tall builds. Respond in kind. Trade out the 3 black-icon cards for the 3 Grenade Launchers. Both Bumpers, Noble's Blaster, and all 3 Laser Cutlass would no longer be relevant--and then I'd take out Brainstorm for the 10th card.
Character Types
Stars | 25![]() |
Team Health | 38![]() |
Main Deck | 41 | Sideboard | 11 |
Card Total | 52 |