
General of Worlds

predaking2theMAX (7)

General of Worlds

predaking2theMAX (7)

Thank you for looking at my newest deck! This is my most favorite deck I have and that is why it sees so much action. I hope you please star this deck and use it to the best of its ability! I use this for fighting heavy aggro decks and lighter defence decks. Get full use of prime and keep him alive as much as you can. give him shoulder holsters to load his blasters into his weapon slots and attach force fields to him. To fill Prime's last utility, try putting the enrgy pack on him to keep him on the healthy side. Use arcee as a distraction and try to wrek as much havok as you can with her and smashdown and have Prime do clean up. Have fun with this deck!

Deck Stats

Character Types

Battle Master, Leader, Melee, Motorcycle, Ranged, Specialist, Truck, Upgrade Weapon
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 36❤
Main Deck 43 Sideboard 0
Card Total 43