
Fortress Beeficus

Snake0Gamer (9)

Fortress Beeficus

Snake0Gamer (9)

   This deck is absolutely insane in its damage output. The main goal with this deck is to do as much damage as you can with Fortress, and when he dies, try to make a [[Overwhelming Advantage]] combo with either [[Backup Beam]], [[Lucky Vest]] and [[Escape Capsule]] or [[EM24 IR Laser Launcher]], [[Reflex Circuits]] and [[Escape capsule]]. The first one is much easier to do, but not by much. If you dont feel like going for an [[Overwhelming Advantage]] play, there are other upgrades that you can play like [[Plasma Horns]] and [[Kinetic Converter]]. Grax also adds +15 health to the deck, making him the best possible Headmaster for Fortress Maximus.

This deck also has 38 health, the deck builder doesnt include the +5 health for Cerebros.

Deck Stats

Character Types

Melee, Ranged, Titan, Titan Master
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 33❤
Main Deck 43 Sideboard 0
Card Total 43