
Bold to be Tough

GingerIan (6)

Bold to be Tough

GingerIan (6)

Dumb orange deck with lots of Bold, and because of [[Topspin]], lots of Tough :)

Took this to a tournament recently and have been informed that it is gross and horrible, but also, fun. 

Changes that are being made: [[sturdy javelin]] is being replaced by [[escape route]] - there are no ranged characters for javelin, escape route allows [[Nemesis Prime Dark Clone]] to flip to alt and back to bot in one turn. (Spoiler, only Nemesis is ever flipped).

I suspect that the Blue/Black version of this lineup will end up more viable.

Deck Stats

Character Types

Dinobot, Melee, Spaceship, Specialist, Titan Master, Truck, Wrecker
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 34❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 0
Card Total 40