
Ballroom Blitz

EHSparkwoman (25)

Ballroom Blitz

EHSparkwoman (25)

This deck if full of nasty little effect damage tricks (some of which not even Motormaster or Captain Ironhide can dodge). I’d quite like to play Magnetic Dysfunction Ray one turn (hitting each enemy Autobot for 2 damage) then using Bombing Run the next turn to move all of that damage to an enemy (that they can’t stop; since who uses Bumpers?). Blitzwing can sit in Tank mode if you’d like to keep his teamies alive, or Plane mode if you’d prefer them to get KO’d since he can trigger whichever alt he is in!

Deck Stats

Character Types

Air Strike Patrol, Plane, Ranged, Tank
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 34❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 0
Card Total 40