
Alt F4 Delete

Snake0Gamer (9)

Alt F4 Delete

Snake0Gamer (9)

  Not much to say here, this deck is so broken that you and your friends will never play this game again. If you don't belive me, try it. Put Kreb on Fangry, Brisko on Horri, and Grax on Quake. Activate Fangry, then Horri, then Quake. When any character is going to die, flip quake. Otherwise, keep fliping Horri. This deck does more damage to itself than your opponet will, and by doing so, you will absolutely destroy your opponent. Have fun dying, this deck has 48 health, so unless you do truckloads of damage to yourself, you will outlive your opponent by a million years. There's a reason this deck is called Alt F4 Delete, after all.

Deck Stats

Character Types

Beast, Melee, Ranged, Tank, Titan Master
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 48❤
Main Deck 42 Sideboard 0
Card Total 42