Decepticon Pounce ⭐8


Sergeant Skywarp ⭐8

Black Ops Seeker

Nightracer ⭐5


Villainous Spotlight ⭐1
Infiltration ⭐1
Stealth Mission ⭐1
3 Energon Axe
1 Scoundrel's Blaster
1 Enforcement Batons
3 Fusion Borer
3 Handheld Blaster
2 Sparring Gear
3 Enhanced Power Cell
1 Pocket Processor
2 Recon System
1 Backfire
2 Brainstorm
2 End Hostilities
2 Even The Score
1 Leap of Faith
2 Reflect Damage
1 Reprocess
1 Sabotaged Armaments
3 Security Checkpoint
3 Spymaster's Ruse
2 Swerve
1 The Bigger They Are

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