
Bullstrike Patrol

Benny25 (2)

Bullstrike Patrol

Benny25 (2)

New take on Airstrike Patrol. Utilizing Horri-bulls amazing damage output with a green pip centric approach to maximize card selection and Tailwinds ability. 

Sideboard character is Optimus Prime (siding out Horri-bull and Nightflight or Storm Cloud) for heavy wide spread damage lists such as Quake, erratic energy grenade, fortress maximus, precision fire (as you will likely keep the other characters in alt mode unless activating their abilities) and Magnetic Dysfunction Ray.

Deck Stats

Character Types

Air Strike Patrol, Beast, Leader, Melee, Plane, Ranged, Titan Master
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 41❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 11
Card Total 51