
Prime told me thered be days

iRemembertheTime (79)

Prime told me thered be days

iRemembertheTime (79)

Unapologetically blue. Black icons can't do everything.

I always liked the idea of Inverting Wheeljack in a blue deck, but his 9 star cost tended to block off the 4-wide options that I prefer to run in blue. Now we have Nightracer, so there can be 3 cars (and a Flamewar) in a comfortable 4-wide setup. This deck is untested as of yet--but as a response to the dreaded Sky Shadow Peace Through Tyrrany trick, I have some hope that heavy untapping can successfully prevent Sky Shadow having access to a true "wheel turn." The guy might combine, sure, but he's not going to get a second turn in with an attack so long as there are still untapped cars on the other side of the field.

The deck has some clear weaknesses against Quake, but the spot on the sideboard needs to be reserved for an answer to 4-wide blue's truest kryptonite: the dreaded 1-tall decks. Thrustimus was bad enough; Fortress Maximus is even worse. Galaxy Optimus affords some kind of an answer. Consideration might also be given to Thrust, who can slot in for Wheeljack to make a jazzy Thrumblebee deck.

Deck Stats

Character Types

Car, Leader, Melee, Motorcycle, Ranged, Specialist
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 43❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 11
Card Total 51