
Lets Get Ready To RUMBLE

EHSparkwoman (25)

Lets Get Ready To RUMBLE

EHSparkwoman (25)

Deck name is said by Hades in Disney’s Hercules. And I am fully aware you can (and people did) use the extra stars to give you an extra bot on your starting team who wouldn’t fit normally (Aimless or Firedrive). I liked the idea of having 3 little deployers under him; which grant Bold (Steeljaw), block opposing Tough (Frenzy) and can grab Force Fields/Medic’s Protective Fields on the defense (Ramhorn). Other than that; this probably has a lot in common with the Blaster aggro build.

Deck Stats

Character Types

Leader, Melee, Mini-Cassette, Specialist
Stars 28⭐ Team Health 42❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 0
Card Total 40