
Grenade Brigade

iRemembertheTime (79)

Grenade Brigade

iRemembertheTime (79)

To make a very long story short, Arcee is the key to allowing this 4-wide blue deck to be able to stand up to mirror matches. But once the engine gets running, even orange decks don't want to see her coming.

Arcee is at her scariest when she's throwing Grenade Launchers. So the strategy is simple: trade for Escape Routes, transform Triggerhappy liberally, and keep grabbing Grenade Launchers from the discard pile for consecutive home runs.

Since it's a waste to run a blue deck and not try to maximize card flips on defense, Extra Paddings and Hidden Fortifications are included as a buffer against aggressive orange. Handheld Blasters and Security Checkpoints are included strictly for their icons, and to make easy choices when it's time to trade for green icons. The other 23 cards are there to keep the grenade engine running and to provide other offensive options.

Pre-Wave 4 versions of this deck ran Hot Rod in place of Impactor, but the missing piece was always the fact that Hot Rod wasn't an Autobot leader, so there was no space for Matrix of Leadership. Impactor loses tough 1 but gains 2 health, while allowing for the Matrix. With Flamewar running support on a heavy-blue deck, the total health pool (43!) for this 4-wide team is allowed to be about as tough as it looks. 



Deck Stats

Character Types

Leader, Motorcycle, Plane, Ranged, Specialist, Tank
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 43❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 0
Card Total 40