[Characters] Optimus Prime-Battlefield Legend General Optimus Prime-Infantry Leader [Weapons] 3 Grenade Launcher 3 Ion Blaster of Optimus Prime [Armor] 2 Bashing Shield 2 Force Field 3 Improvised Shield 1 Reflex Circuits [Utility] 3 Energy Pack 3 Matrix of Leadership [Actions] 1 Bolt of Lightning 3 Leap Into Battle 3 Marksmanship 3 Peace through Tyranny 1 Plasma Burst 2 Press the Advantage 2 Ramming Speed 3 Roll Out! 2 Treasure Hunt [Sideboard] 2 Disruptive Entrance 1 Enforcement Batons 1 Espionage 2 Infiltrate Nemesis Prime-Dark Clone 2 Squish them like Bugs 2 W-5 Gyro Blaster