[Characters] Private Powertrain-Off-Road Patrol Patrol Leader Private Highjump-Off-Road Patrol Infiltration Private Mudslinger-Special Ops Infiltration General Optimus Prime-Infantry Leader [Weapons] 3 Combat Dagger 3 Crowbar 3 Kinetic Intensifier Whip 3 Power Punch 2 RR Disruptor Blade [Armor] 1 Bashing Shield [Utility] 3 Immersed In Shadow 3 Matrix of Leadership [Actions] 3 Fight For Position 2 Heat of Battle 3 Peace through Tyranny 1 Reprocess 3 Rock Toss 3 Supercharge 2 System Reboot 3 Wedge Formation [Sideboard] 3 Erratic Lightning 3 Grenade Launcher 3 Improvised Shield 1 Mounted Missiles Wheeljack-Weapons Inventor