[Characters] Major Soundwave-Espionage Spy Raider Ratbat-Spy Patrol Fuel Scout Specialist Ratchet-Engineering Rescue & Repair [Weapons] 2 Enforcement Batons 3 Master Sword 2 Noble's Blaster 2 Scoundrel's Blaster [Armor] 2 Bashing Shield 2 Sturdy Armor [Utility] 3 Matrix of Leadership 2 Spy Satellite Uplink [Actions] 1 Disassemble 3 Hit and Run 3 Lose the Initiative 3 Master of Metallikato 1 Medic! 3 Mission Briefing 3 Secret Dealings 3 Steady Shot 2 Versatility 3 Wedge Formation [Sideboard] 1 Decipher 2 Reflect Damage 2 Salvage for Parts 3 Scouting Mission 2 Supporting Fire