[Characters] Fortress Maximus-Great War Veteran Cerebros-City Commander Emissary- [Weapons] 2 Armed Hovercraft 2 Combat Dagger 1 Master Sword 2 Paralyzo Box 3 Sturdy Javelin 3 Unflinching Courage [Armor] 2 Force Field 1 Ghost Shield 1 Holomatter Projector 1 Increased Durability 1 Sparring Gear [Utility] 2 Energy Pack 2 Escape Capsule [Actions] 2 Espionage 3 Fight For Position 3 Heat of Battle 3 Hold the Line 3 Master of Metallikato 3 Precision Fire 2 Sabotaged Armaments 3 Security Checkpoint 3 Steady Shot 2 Supercharge