[Characters] Sergeant Crosshairs-Artillery Weapons Supervisor Raider Sights-Air Force Artillery Captain Impactor-Special Ops Wrecker [Weapons] 3 Grenade Launcher 2 Mounted Missiles 1 Soldier's Blaster 3 Sturdy Javelin [Armor] 1 Bashing Shield 3 Composite Armor 1 Force Field 2 Guarded Posture 3 Improvised Shield [Utility] 2 Matrix of Leadership [Actions] 3 Fight For Position 3 Hunker Down 3 Peace through Tyranny 1 Ramming Speed 1 Reprocess 2 Roll Out! 3 Supercharge 3 Work Overtime [Sideboard] 2 Confidence 2 Crushing Treads 1 Espionage 2 Fog of War 1 Force Field 1 Noble's Blaster Private Firedrive-Ground Command Artillery 1 Scoundrel's Blaster