
Doctor Doctor

EHSparkwoman (25)

Doctor Doctor

EHSparkwoman (25)

Raider Chop Shop has the best repair ability in the game (especially comboed with Toolbox); so he had to be in here! And Ratchet loves a deck that repairs damage a lot! He and Arcee can High Five to repair damage (or you can scrap it from your hand with Chop Shop’s flip to alt skill to repair 2 damage from everyone). If you play Versatility on Ratchet while he has at least 8 damage on him (if he has a Toolbox) and you flip all the different colours in here… you repair 8 damage from him and increase his attack by 8! Now, that would be a frightening combo, wouldn’t it?

Deck Stats

Character Types

Battle Master, Insecticon, Melee, Motorcycle, Ranged, Specialist, Truck
Stars 25⭐ Team Health 36❤
Main Deck 40 Sideboard 0
Card Total 40