[Characters] Cliffjumper-Renegade Warrior Private Lionizer-Ground Command Artillery Wheeljack-Weapons Inventor [Actions] 3 Confidence 2 Dampening Field 1 One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall 3 Peace through Tyranny 2 Press the Advantage 1 Quartermaster 2 Ramming Speed 3 Start Your Engines 3 Supercharge 1 Zap [Weapons] 1 Enforcement Batons 3 Erratic Lightning 1 Flamethrower 3 Grenade Launcher 1 Mounted Missiles [Armor] 2 Bashing Shield 2 Force Field 3 Improvised Shield [Utility] 3 Turbo Boosters [Sideboard] 1 Dampening Field 2 Energon Axe 1 Enforcement Batons 2 Heat of Battle 1 Mounted Missiles 1 One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall 1 Photon Bomb Prowl-Military Strategist 1 Treasure Hunt