[Characters] Private Lionizer-Ground Command Artillery Arcee-Skilled Fighter Demolisher-Devoted Decepticon Insecticon Skrapnel-Insecticon Leader [Utility] 3 Matrix of Leadership [Actions] 3 Focus Fire 2 Heat of Battle 3 Peace through Tyranny 2 Press the Advantage 2 Quartermaster 1 Ramming Speed 1 Reckless Charge 3 Roll Out! 3 Supercharge 2 Zap [Armor] 2 Bashing Shield 3 Improvised Shield [Weapons] 2 Enforcement Batons 2 Erratic Lightning 2 Flamethrower 3 Grenade Launcher 3 Power Punch [Sideboard] 1 Cornered! 2 Force Field Optimus Prime-Battlefield Legend 2 Ready For Action 3 Squish them like Bugs