[Characters] General Optimus Prime-Infantry Leader Captain Impactor-Special Ops Wrecker Fangry-Sky Tracker Parsec- [Actions] 1 Energy Transfer 2 Incoming Transmission 3 Marksmanship 1 One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall 3 Peace through Tyranny 1 Ramming Speed 2 Reckless Charge 3 Roll Out! 3 Security Checkpoint 2 Supporting Fire [Weapons] 1 Enforcement Batons 2 Erratic Lightning 3 Grenade Launcher 3 Ion Blaster of Optimus Prime 3 Sturdy Javelin [Armor] 1 Bashing Shield 2 Guarded Posture 3 Improvised Shield [Utility] 3 Matrix of Leadership [Sideboard] 2 Debilitating Crystal 2 Disarm 2 Hold the Line 1 Leap of Faith Optimus Prime-Battlefield Legend 1 Photon Bomb 2 Sabotaged Armaments