[Characters] Brawn-Demolitions Fangry-Sky Tracker Grax- Kreb- Twin Twist-Demolitions [Weapons] 3 Combat Dagger 3 Fusion Borer 3 Power Punch 3 RR Disruptor Blade [Armor] 3 Emergency Barricade [Utility] 3 Escape Capsule 3 Immersed In Shadow [Actions] 3 Fight For Position 2 Hit and Run 2 Hold the Line 3 Precision Fire 3 Rock Toss 3 Swerve 3 Wedge Formation [Stratagem] 1 Resilence [Sideboard] 3 Belligerence 2 Even The Score 2 Holomatter Projector 3 Mounted Missiles Private Powertrain-Off-Road Patrol Patrol Leader