[Characters] Optimus Prime-Battlefield Legend Fireflight-Sky High Recon Acid Storm-Toxic Terror [Weapons] 3 Armed Hovercraft 3 Energon Axe 3 Handheld Blaster 2 Noble's Blaster [Armor] 3 Extra Padding 1 Force Field [Utility] 1 Data Bank 2 Matrix of Leadership [Actions] 1 Bolt of Lightning 1 Espionage 3 Leap Into Battle 1 Marksmanship 1 Pep Talk 1 Rapid Conversion 3 Security Checkpoint 3 Steady Shot 3 Swap Missions 1 System Reboot 3 The Bigger They Are 2 Vaporize [Sideboard] 2 Calculated Strike 2 Disarm 3 Laser Cutlass 3 Smoke Cloak Warpath-Confident Sharpshooter