
Year One

Obiwong July 8, 2020

Celebrate good times COME ON!


Hi everyone! It's been one year since the site launched and it's been quite the journey. I really just want to take this opportunity to thank the many many many people that have helped out over the last year. First, my wife who is my #1 fan I couldn't have done it without her in my corner this past year cheering me on at every opportunity. My friends over at Heroes World (the BEST LGS) who help me test a bunch of features and of course jamming lots of Transformer TCG games. Big thanks to Nick Wiedeman for taking the time every month to write some FANTASTIC content. @zxid94 and @s_uranet for their incredible art, the site wouldn't be the same without it ❤

Many thanks to all of you who have taken the time to report bugs and suggest new features, especially @_Matafer and @flamefew. All the tournament organizers who took the time to hunt down, scan, type up and send me deck lists and tournament results. Everyone who has searched for a card, created and shared decks, the site is for the fans and I'm glad so many of you drop by the site every day.

I know there are a few a lot of bugs still 😋 and a lot of features to be done. So I'd just like to share what's on my radar: Twitter login, recommendations for similar decks when viewing a deck, smarter recommendations for decks when viewing a card, making a copy of a deck (this one is easy I just need time to squeeze it in), and the big one that I did try to tackle but wasn't able to get done was play test a deck (this one got to 90% done but it was REALLY buggy). Hopefully I'll be able to get at least a couple of them out soon.

I knew from the day this game was announced I'd fall in love with it. Take my two favourite things: card games and Transformers and you've got my attention (and my wallet). It's been a crazy year and although most of my time now dedicated to my beautiful new daughter, I will always make time to bug fix and tweak the site and I promise to make every effort to squeeze in time for new features. The Transformers TCG community is amazing and I'm humbled that you would all come to this site, read an article, create a deck and search for some cards. Thank you all so much! 

So lets close it out with some random facts:

Favourite Deck: Twin Primes

Favourite Character: Grimlock!

Most Wanted Character Cards: Rodiums Prime and Galvatron

Favourite Scene from the Transformers The Movie:  

Favourite G1 Toy Growing Up: Power Master Optimus Prime

G1 Toy I Wanted the Most: Scourge

Favourite G1 Episode: Rebirth Parts 1-3

Favourite Combiner: Predaking

Favourite Titan: Trypticon

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